There are many events in our lives we give great amounts of nostalgia to. The walk down the aisle. The 30th wedding anniversary. The business teambuilder that gave you 5 new friends. These times in our lives bring such joy. Mermaid Lighthouse Consulting believes in having the best time with the community that surrounds you. 


Start the wedding information gathering with Mermaid Lighthouse Consulting. We want to bring your ideas to life. Remote weddings, church weddings, or outdoor weddings MLC has access to all that is needed to make the special day just that.


Every year we have days we want to give more to.  Celebrating love and togetherness is a good way to express yourself. Mermaid Lighthouse Consulting would like to assist you with the details of making your anniversary the very best.

Team Building

Businesses are made by the human factor within each company. The ideas that come when we feel accepted and heard has the power to advance any business to a better place. MLC has team building options that can bring community and openness to the front door of your business.


MLC will strive to find the perfect place for your event.


We have trusted catering and many options to choose from.


Feeling connected is always the focus with every event. 


Growing and achieving dreams. Bring dreams to life.